I (Joyce) recently returned from taking Justine (13), Alexis (16) & our friend, David (16) to Senegal.

Senegal is a third world country - so this was less of a vacation & more of a "field trip of a lifetime" that afforded us an up close and personal understanding of what real life is like in Senegal ... a culture & climate as far away as it is far different from what we're used to in America.

We stayed w/ my brother (Uncle Jimmy), who teaches elementary students in Dakar, & his wife, Aunt Ramona. We visited The Door of No Return (former slave house) on Goree Island, capital city of Dakar, the school where my brother teaches, outdoor marketplaces, the beach, a wild game park... and Justine finally met her pen-pal!

In the days leading up to our departure I posted here what I knew & was learning about where we were headed. Once we arrived in Senegal, I had the kids post some things as well. Justine was our main photographer.

We're back now & still trying to record our experience as it was hard to keep up while we were there.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Here are a few snapshots of Acrobaobab....an amazing obstacle course of ziplines & such thru' a baobab forest. Not a forest like you would most likely picture but a desert forest of sorts. We drove far off the main road to get here. Baobab trees have very soft wood - so they're not good for furniture - and their trunks are hollow. Up until about 50 years ago some people here used them for cemeteries by placing the remains of the dearly departed in the trunk. Can't remember just what people group did this but they had some belief that being put in the ground was a bad thing ... not sure why. Anyhow ... this menagerie of obsacles we navigated was hung high above the ground among the baobab trees. Talk about a full body workout! But I'd much rather get my excercise here than in an American Gym :) This is way more fun! Justine didn't want to do it....she's not a big fan of heights. I only decided to do it at the very last minute after seeing how much fun the others were having. One stretch even carried us in a small boat across the zipline! I felt a bit like Peter Pan! Alexis & David made it all the way to the end. I, on the other hand took a little shortcut near the end as I was pretty well spent by that time. In one pic above you can see Alexis climbing a baobob tree from the inside out :) Pretty neat. It was a lot of work...but we were rewarded at the end on the final stretch of zipline where we each had a special treat waiting for us on the way down the final stretch of zipline and as we met head on with buckets of water being thrown on us by guys at the end as we zipped by. What a refreshing treat after working up such a sweat. Trust me when I say it is harder than it looks! :) - Joyce

( This baobab tree was actually at the wild animal park & was the only elephant they had there :)


  1. I'd have to agree with both you and Justine:

    a.) looks like a WAY more fun workout than a stuffy ole' gym

    b.)I'd have to consider the heights factor, too, before going. Synthetic heights make my legs freeze and turn to jello.

    Those trees are beautiful... AND very ele[hant-like indeed!

    Thank you so much for taking the time to document while you're there!

  2. This looks like a lot of fun... for others! Gosh, I would never climb up there! I think you're really brave!
    Have fun and take care!

  3. Wow what great fun! This will be a memory not soon forgotten. Any video of this when you get back? African adventure...Jim could be a tour guide :)
